Day 15 of March (Thursday) - ESALD
9:00 - 20:00.
Basic Life Support (João Costa and Sara Ferreira) 2 hours
Venous Puncture (João Costa and Sara Ferreira) 2 hours
Image Processing in Nuclear Neurology (Domingos Vieira) 2 hours
Practices in Radiopharmacy (Sara Ferreira, Domingos Vieira and José Alexandre Silva) 2 hours
Day 16 of March (Friday) - ESTCB
8:30 - Opening of the secretariat
9:00 - Musical Moment
9:20 - Free Communications
10:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium: Reflections on an oncologic disease in the Central Nervous System (Moderator: Marco Caetano)
11:00 - Epidemiology of CNS and RON Tumors
Alexandra Mayer da Silva - RON IPO Lisbon (Portugal)
11:20 - What's new in cancer immunotherapy research?
Biagio Di Lorenzo - Institute of Molecular Medicine | João Lobo Antunes, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon; Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon; ImmunoConcept, University of Bordeaux (France)
11:40 - Challenges of cancer disease as a chronic disease
Marisa Padilha - Radioncologist at the Group Quadrantes (Portugal)
12:00 - Approach and control of cancer pain
Ana Paula Sapeta - Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Palliative Care and Professor of the Nursing Course of ESALD-IPCB; Director of ESALD-IPCB (Portugal)
12:30 - Free Lunch
Symposium: Imaging of neurodegenerative diseases (Moderator: José Cacheira)
14:00 - New tools in the study of neurodegenerative diseases
João Valente - Professor at ESALD-IPCB, Physical Engineering Department (Portugal)
14:20 - Neuroimaging in Dementias
Daniela Pereira - Neuroradiologist, Hospital and University Center of Coimbra (CHUC) (Portugal)
14:40 - Brain SPECT in Epilepsy
José Alexandre Silva - Nuclear Medicine Technician at the Hospital Center of Porto (CHP); Professor of Medical Imagind and Raditeraphy, area of Nuclear Medicine (Portugal)
15:00 - The role of Nuclear Medicine in the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease
Edgar Lemos Pereira - Technician of Nuclear Medicine at the Private Hospital of Almada / Nuclearmed - Institute of Nuclear Medicine, S.A (Portugal)
15:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium - Planning and advanced treatment in brain tumors (Moderator: Paulo Fernandes)
16:00 - Radiotherapy Planning Computed Tomography
Paula Genésio - Radiotherapist Coordinator Instituto CUF Porto / Radioncologia Júlio Teixeira, S.A. (Portugal)
16:20 - Integration of optical imaging systems in the context of CNS tumors
Sónia Costa - Radiotherapist at Sociedade Avanço (Portugal)
16:40 - Glioblastoma - Treatment of Radiotherapy with CyberKnife
Paulo Costa - Radionologist at Instituto CUF Porto; Clinical Coordinator Radioncology Júlio Teixeira, S.A. (Portugal)
17:30 - Opening Session of the Congress
17:50 - Performance of Classinni Group
18:00 - Port of Honor
19:00 - 22:00
Practices in Radiopharmacy (Sara Ferreira, Domingos Vieira and José Alexandre Silva) 2 hours
Immobilization systems and image registration in dosimetric planning in CNS tumors (Sónia Costa - Sociedade Avanço and Iola Cardoso João) 2 hours
Day 17 of March (Saturday) - ESTCB
8:00 - Opening of the secretariat
8:00 - 11:00 - Workshops
Pinnacle Dosimetric Planning System - Multiple approaches to a clinical case of CNS (Nuno Rodrigues - ABGT) 2 hours
Fusion of Medical Images (João Valente) 1 hour
10:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium - Functional Neuroimaging (Moderators: João Costa)
11:00 - Neuro-image in the study of Emotions
João Valente - Professor at the ESALD-IPCB, Physical Engineering Department (Portugal)
11:20 - Functional Magnetic Resonance
Óscar Tavares - Professor of Medical Imagind and Raditeraphy, Radiology area - ESTeSC; Radiology Technician at Imacentro / Idealmed, Coimbra (Portugal)
11:40 - The brain SPECT of the dopamine transporter
Guilhermina Cantinho - Medical Specialist in Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Director of Atomedical; Director of the Institute of Nuclear Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon; Invited Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon and Regent of the Chair of Nuclear Medicine of F.M.L. (Portugal)
12:00 - Deposition of Gadolinium in the Base Nuclei in MR exams
Hugo Rabaça - Radiology Technician at the Private Hospital of Alfena (Grupo Trofa Saúde Hospital); Professor of Medical Imagind and Raditeraphy, Radiology area - ESALD-IPCB (Portugal)
12:30 - Lunch
Symposium - Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques of Central Nervous System Diseases (Moderator: Iola Cardoso João)
14:00 - The contribution of PET / CT in epilepsy
Patrícia Gouveia - Internal Medicine in Nuclear Medicine at Hospital Center of Porto (CHP) (Portugal)
14:20 - Gamma Knife Radiosurgery on irradiation of brain metastases
Maria João Rosa - radiotherapist at the institute Mercurius Health - CUF Infante Santo (Portugal)
14:40 - Planning of Radiotherapy with PET-CT - How, when and what added value.
Marco Caetano - Professor of Medical Imagind and Raditeraphy, Radiotherapy Area - ESTeSL-IPL, ESALD-IPCB (Portugal)
15:00 - Advances in Chemo-radiotherapy in the treatment of CNS disorders
Inês Nobre Gois - Radionologist, Hospital and University Center of Coimbra (Portugal)
15:30 - Coffee Break
Symposium - Research in IMRT - News, Challenges and Future (Moderator: Sara Ferreira)
15:50 - NeuroPsyCAD: support platform for the early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric diseases using medical imaging and artificial intelligence (NeuroPsyCAD: supporting early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders using medical imaging and artificial intelligence)
Hugo Alexandre Ferreira, MD, MSE, PhD - Researcher at the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering; Assistant Professor at the Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
16:10 - Molecular Neuroimaging with PET / MRI: Current Challenges and Future Approaches
Domingos Vieira - Professor of Medical Imagind and Raditeraphy, Technical and Scientific Area of Nuclear Medicine ESS-P.Porto; Professor of Medical Imagind and Raditeraphy, area of Nuclear Medicine ESALD-IPCB (Portugal)
16:30 - The usefulness of infrared thermography in the clinical context
Ricardo Vardasca, PhD, FRPS, ASIS, AMBCS - Researcher at INEGI / Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto; Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Valencia (Spain)
Talk - Anatom-e Information Systems (Moderator :)
16:50 - Anatom-e
Mark Vabulas - Chief Technology Officer at Anatom-e Information Systems, Ltd, Houston, Texas (USA)
17:10 - Coffee Break
Symposium - Quality of Life in Neurodegenerative Diseases (Moderator: Fátima Monsanto)
17:30 - Quality of life scales in frequent neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Francisco Alvarez - Neurologist Doctor Cova da Beira Hospital Center (CHCB) (Portugal)
17:50 - Role of non-pharmacological interventions in Parkinson's disease | Physiotherapy, Exercise and Quality of life
Josefa Domingos - Physiotherapist at the Portuguese Association of Parkinson's Patients - APDPk (Portugal)
18:10 - The Alzheimer Portugal Association and intervention with patients, relatives and caregivers
Carla Mariza Pereira - Technical Head of the Alzheimer Association Portugal Delegation Portugal
Marta Duarte - Physiotherapist at the Alzheimer Association Portugal (Portugal)
18:30 - Closing Session
18:45 - Performance of the Tuna Feminina Albicastrense
20:30 - Congress Dinner
Day 18 March (Sunday) Morning
10:00 - Concentration next to ESALD parking lot
10:30 - Brain Running (Sports Session / Solidarity Race)
11:30 - Zumba Class and Outdoor Gymnastics
Instructed by Aquadrenaline Gym Instructor
Organizing Committee of the III International Congress of Medical Image and Radiotherapy of ESALD / IV Congress of IMRT of ESALD
Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias
Avenida do Empresário
Campus da Talagueira
6000-767 Castelo Branco
Prof. João Costa